Profile Workfile - Exceptions Screen

Use this screen to edit workfile exceptions that are used in the Close Repair Order feature. Access this screen in your repair facility profile under Repair Management.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description

Select this option to edit the selected Exception entry.


Use this option to print a list of Exceptions.

Print Preview Select this option to view a list of Exceptions in report form on your screen.
Export to CSV

Exports the Exception values to a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file format.


When checked, the Exception is displayed (if triggered), in the Close Repair Order Exceptions screen.

Description This field describes the workfile exception that displays in the Close Repair Order Wizard. You cannot edit this field.
Critical Exception When enabled, this option prevents you from closing the repair order unless you have the Workfile - Override critical performance exceptions permission enabled for your security role.
Impact $ Threshold This field is enabled when the Critical Exception option is checked. Enter the threshold amount in this field. The selected exception is triggered if the condition is above the amount you specify in this field.
OK Select this option to save your changes.
Cancel Selecting this option closes the screen without saving.

See Also

Editing Workfile Exceptions







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